Midwife’s Birth Registers, Cholera 1849 & Passive Rates Resisters
The Midwife’s Register 1847 – 1875
Reported Deaths from Cholera in the Coventry Herald. August and September 1849
The Passive Rates Resisters in Coventry 1904
The Midwife’s Register
1847 – 1875
Information about Mary Eaves and the role of a midwife in Victorian Coventry. Also local information of the time, including the gentry.
Included are the details of the 5,035 deliveries attended by Mary Eaves, a midwife who lived in Spon End, Coventry. Mother’s name and address, the date of the delivery and in many cases the name of the person who paid for the ticket to ensure that Mary Eaves was in attendance.
Reported Deaths from Cholera in the Coventry Herald.
August and September 1849
From the first case of the outbreak of cholera in Coventry to the last. The names, ages, address and dates of all those who died from the disease. Also how long they were ill for and in some cases family information.
The booklet also deals with the way that the Coventry Cholera Relief Committee, which was specially set in place to deal with the outbreak, managed that relief.
The Passive Rates Resisters in Coventry 1904
The Passive Rates book charts the fate of those non-conformists who withheld their portion of the poor rate that paid for teachers who taught denominational lessons in schools. As a result court action was taken against the resisters, their goods were seized and jail was the outcome for some.
Included are all the names of the resisters, lists all their goods seized and give’s an account of a time spent in prison by one of the leaders.