A Brief View of our Society
Formed in 1994, the aim was to fulfill a growing need and to promote and encourage the study of family history, genealogy and local history in relation to the City of Coventry and its people. This has changed somewhat with the increasing amount of information available on the internet. ‘CFHS’ is still a great source of information, providing research and assistance for people with Coventry roots, to fill in the missing details of their ancestors. One thing the internet provides is the ability to convey this information electronically and to all parts of the world in an instance. The Society has full membership affiliation to The Family History Federation. (FHF)
The Society is run by a Committee of up to 10 members, who work tirelessly to ensure that all business runs smoothly for the benefit of the membership. These people are elected at the AGM in October and hold office for 12 months, after which, they may seek re-election. The agreed constitution holds all the rules and regulations of the Society. More…
Meetings are held on the second Monday of every month at The Old Coventrians Rugby Football Club, Tile Hill Lane, Coventry, CV4 9DE, with a 7-30pm start. We have excellent guest speakers followed by tea/coffee and biscuits. It is a most interesting and sociable way to spend an evening. In the immediate future, our bookshop and library will not be available at the meetings. However, there will be listings that members can use to order or reserve items. There will also be no facility to accept donations at the door. Both members and guests are welcome. Please read further for more details. More…
Research is available, and the Society has many books and databases to support this. These records are available to people in many formats to suit their needs. CDs, memory data sticks or paper copies. The more ‘up to date’ data is also searchable for ease and speed of acquiring information. More…
Projects are ongoing and we rely on volunteers to help. This starts with the photographing of original documents when available, and then transcribing the data into the required format. All this then comes together to provide researchers with a tool that is invaluable. More…
The quarterly distributed Journal is our connection to our membership, which contains real stories of real people. This is a great way to find out how other people’s families lived, worked and went about their business. More..
CFHS has many databases which are a must for finding information about Coventry people. These include burial registers, apprentice enrollments, census, BMDs and much more. It is an ongoing task collating the data and presenting it in an acceptable format for people to access. More…
The Society provides three types of membership which is fairly simple and designed to cater for all. These are: – single member, double member and overseas member. Details can be found within the site along with a registration form and payment method. More…
All details held by the Membership Secretary conform to the latest GDPR and has been agreed by The Family History Federation legal department. More...