Memberships to suit all
The Society has 3 types of membership which tends to suit all.
- Single Membership is for the individuals who are doing their own research, but may require some assistance, guidance and help from a ‘bigger body’ of people. £14-00 per year
- Joint Membership offers the above to two members of one family, so that they can share the research required to explore their ancestors and be involved in the social life of the society. £16-00 per year
- Overseas Membership offers much more scope to people who are unable to visit the Coventry area to look for records. This gives people living abroad a greater chance of investigating ancestors from Coventry and receiving the required information. £20-00 per year

Membership Benefits
Various benefits are gained by becoming a member. They include:
- Access to our databases and books which provide invaluable information.
- Some assistance and advice for members should they require it
- Help with research, as and when available.
The Society ‘Journal’ is made up of people’s stories and memories from days gone by. It is our contact with members and their opportunity to share their research and memories with other members. All the articles are most interesting and you can find how ‘Grandad William’ or ‘Auntie Maud’ was traced, by what means, and could you try the same approach. It also has some social and humorous stories to make you smile.
Our meetings
The Social side of membership is very important for our membership. Meetings once a month allows members to discuss problems and any hiccups they might encounter. There are also excellent guest speakers from all aspects of life, both from Coventry and farther afield. These talks are not just about families and ancestors, but include social life and activities throughout the years. From the history behind the ‘Magic Circle’ to the ‘French Can-Can’, or the ‘Titanic’ to the ‘Miners’, we try and cover it all. For those unable to attend there is also an abridged ‘write up’ of each talk in the following journal so you don’t miss out.
How to join
The membership year starts on 1st January until 31st December each year, but anybody joining late will still receive the full year’s Journals (4 quarterly editions). Payment methods are designed to make it easy for you, whichever way you wish to join. You can print the registration and gift aid forms and post with a cheque, pay direct with Bank Transfer, Standing Order, or even join on-line and transfer the fee by ‘PayPal’.
Forms to help you join
If you prefer to join and pay by BACS, cheque or standing order, please download an application form.
For standing order payments, you will also need to download this form and send it to your bank.
Gift Aid
Coventry FHS is a registered charity. If you are a UK basic rate taxpayer, please complete a Gift Aid form so that we can reclaim the Income Tax from your subscription.