CFHS prides itself on the projects it has completed over past years, and we are still producing more as and when we are allowed access to further records. To provide information and data for genealogist is a must, and over the years we have completed much of this research, in many forms and from all aspects of personal and social records. The personal information has been the BMDs, burial records of many local cemeteries, apprentice enrolments and much, much more. On the social side of our projects we have books, leaflets and searchable CDs or memory sticks of areas of Coventry and the surrounding areas such as Spon Street, Spon End, Folkshill and more. Further and more in depth details can be found in our ‘Bookshop’. We have also transcribed the information and details from many thousands of tickets from a local Pawnbroker, which gives an insight of how people lived and more importantly, existed in years gone by.

Many hours of photographing and typing has been completed by willing volunteers, and in the past we were fortunate to receive a Lottery Grant to offset equipment and printing costs. With the progression and changes in the internet, we are now able to e-mail out and receive back the photographic and data files once complete. These files are then sent to a further volunteer for checking prior to collation and issue. This reduces the Society costs and is certainly easier and faster, and can be carried out anywhere in the world. If you would like to volunteer to help with transcribing, please contact us and we will forward a pack to you.

Searchable Databases include:

London Road Cemetery 1847 to 1972

This is a comprehensive list of around 160,000 burials plus many monumental inscriptions of the Coventry’s largest municipal cemetery .

Coventry 1841, 1851, 1861, 1871, 1891 & 1901 Censuses

Full Census details of Coventry residents and their families available for each year or combined on one searchable CD

Apprentice Enrolments 1781 to 1882

Find information on what trade or profession your Coventry Ancestors did and more.

Pawnbroker Tickets

Discover how Coventry people lived with this quirky insight into how they managed their finances from week to week. You will be amazed at what they pawned to make ends meet.

Courtaulds Register of Hands 1902 -1932

  Did your relative work at Courtaulds in the early 1900s. Being one of the largest companies in the Coventry area, this CD contains 28,00 entries of people who worked for the company between 1909 to 1932. This includes Name, Address, Age, start date and department.

Current and future projects.

We have recently been given access to further Burial Records and thanks go to ‘Coventry Bereavement Services’ for their assistance. The project presently being worked on is the London Road Cemetery burial records from 1972 to December 1994. After this date, all the records are on the Bereavement Services computer system and the data contains sensitive information which due to GDPR, we are not privileged to. The records we do have include around 10,000 burial details, which when completed, will be a must for researchers. We have 25 packs of which a large number are ready for collation. A hearty band of volunteers have been superb in getting these ready for issue early in 2020.

Sample page from Register of Burials – London Road Cemetery
This is the result of Transcribed Data for collation which will be searchable and clearer once complete.

Moving forward from the London Road, we have three more local cemetery burial records already photographed and waiting for transcribers to do their business. These are Walsgrave-on-Sowe (1893-1994), Windmill Road ( 1909-1994) and the remainder of St Pauls Cemetery (1987-1994). Some of these records are very poor and pose a problem to read, but our volunteers are doing their best to make sure the correct information is contained in the database.

A half page sample of Walsgrave on Sowe Burials 1915.

Most of the early publications by the Society are in book form. As our original stocks run down, we have decided to convert the books and documents to pdf format and make them available on CD. Early issues of our Journal are already available on CD, and contain many stories and interesting articles. CD Volume 1 contains the Journals from 1994 to 2000 and CD Volume 2, 2001-2005. We aim to continue this series and eventually have all Journals published in this format.

A full and comprehensive list and details of all CFHS publications and CDs for purchase are contained in the Bookshop Section of our website. There are also a number of publications to view in the ‘Members Section’.