Below is a list of Memorial Inscriptions found which relate to the date range of the burials data. MIs have not been found for all interments. Search for an MI by entering all or parts of forename(s) and surname.

... Also the memory of CHRISTOPHER MATHEWS who died Apr 23 1831 aged 47 years Also ANNAH MATHEWS
E. TOMPKINS died July 28, 1813. SARAH TOMPKINS died 22nd Sep. 1847 aged 75 (73 ?) years.
ELIZABETH CONWAY wife of WILLIAM CONWAY who died Oct 26 1855 aged 53 years. Also of the above WILLIAM CONWAY. Born August 14th 1800 Died April 21, 1867.
Erected to the memory of Mr ABRAHAM SMITH, native of Tissington, Derbyshire , who departed this life Dec 19 1844 in the 32 year of his age
G. & A. FRITH Family Grave. MARY ANN daughter of the above died March 2nd 1827 aged 3 years. Also eleven others died in infancy. GEORGE FRITH father of the above who died January 8, 1833 aged 56 years.
GEORGE JOSEPH STREETLY died Aug 31 1857 aged 5 months FANNY CAROLINE STREETLY died May 22 1866 aged 6 years and 9 months EMMA BROWETT daughter of JOSEPH BROWETT died Feb 19 1890 in her 68 year
Here lies the body of JOSEPH EGLINGTON late architect of this city who died Aug 20 1810 aged 64 years Here lieth the body of ELIZABETH EGLINGTON his widow who departed this life Jan S 1825 aged 79 years
Here lies the body of MARY wife of DAVID KING who departed this life Oct 22 1790 aged 34 years Also SARAH, DAVID, MARY, JOHN, JANE and JOSEPH their children who died in infancy
Here lieth the body of THOMAS LANGDELL who died June 26, 1784 aged 38 years. Also of MARY wife of the above who died May 24, 1803 aged 56 years. Also of MARY FAWSON who died Feb ye 9 1815 aged 42 years. Also of MARTHA JOHNSON ....
Here reflect death the remains of five infant children daughters of NATHANIEL and LUCY COLTMAN. Early or late our flesh is born to die Give innocence in this cold grave do lie Thrice happy babes so soon to enter in To paradise before they learn to sin.
Here rests the remains of THOMAS COSTIN PARROTT died 11 Apl 1829 aged 50 years Also CHARLOTTE daughter of the above who died 20 Feb 1819 aged 1 year and 8 months
In affectionate memory of HANNAH GRIMES GROVE wife of RICHARD GROVE who died Oct 23 1841 aged 34 years.
In affectionate memory of MARIA wife of HENRY ALLEN who departed this life Apr 5 1835 aged 38 years
In affectionate remembrance of ANN only daughter of WILLIAM and MARY BICKLEY who died April 7 1837 aged 19 years A pale consumption gave the fatal blow The stroke was certain the effects were slow With wasting pain death found me sore opprest Pity'd my sighs and kindly brought me rest.
In affectionate remembrance of PHOEBE beloved wife of THOMAS BANBURY RANDLE BALL of this city who departed this life Dec 19 1846 in 34th year of her age. She was all that a wife should be. Also of WILLIAM RANDLE grandfather of the above THOMAS BANBURY RANDLE BALL who died Aug 29 1852 aged 76. He was a man universally esteemed. Also ADA the beloved daughter of THOMAS BANBURY RANDLE BALL who died April 23 1885 aged 35 years. Also of THOMAS BANBURY RANDLE BALL who died May 24 1902 aged 83 years and of ELIZABETH BALL widow of THOMAS BANBURY RANDLE BALL who died May 3 1907 aged 92 years. ELIZABETH BALL Senior died May 8 1877 aged 80 years. RANDLE BALL died July 3 1860 aged 2 years. WltLIAH RANDLE BALL died 19 Sept. 1852 aged 6 years. Interred at Berkswell. EMILY BALL died Oct 15 1865 aged 10 years.
In affectionate remembrance of WILLIAM MERRY who died Jan 11 1846 aged 10 years. Though lost to sight to memory dear.
In grateful remembrance of WILLIAM TWYCROSS who departed this life March the 20th 1819 aged 22 years. Also ANN daughter of the above. She died Jany 9th 1820 aged 1 year. Likewise wife of the above named WILLIAM TWYCROSS. She died January 16th 1820 aged 29 years.
In memory ALFRED BRIDGE who died December 19, 1837 aged 3 weeks. Also of JAMES BRIDGE who died September 30, 1841 aged 4 years and 6 months. And of CHARLES HENRY BRIDGE who died October 2, 1841 aged 15 months.
In memory of ABRAHAM DENNIS who died Jun 5 1842 aged 75 Also ELIZABETH wife of the above who died Feb 1847 aged 77.
In memory of ANN SHELDRAKE who died Apr 16 1845 aged 83
In memory of DAVID HARRIS departed this life Jul 26 1824 aged 25 Also HANNAH HARRIS departed this life Oct 20 1809 aged 4 Also CATHERINE HARRIS wife of DAVID HARRIS departed this life Mar 18 1836 aged 60 mother to the above
In memory of ELIZABETH BIRCH daughter of ROBERT and ELIZABETH BIRCH who died 5 Nov 1786 aged 16 years
In memory of ISAAC HILL who died Jan 30 1785 aged 31 years Also JOSEPH NICHOLS who died Dec 17 1816 aged 51 years Regretted most by those who knew him best
In memory of JAMES DOWELL who departed this life January 22, 1818 aged 80 years.
In memory of JAMES JONES who died 31st of December 1833 aged 62 years. Also SUSANNAH LANDER daughter of the above died August 9th 1844 aged 24 years.
In memory of JAMES SMITH who departed this life Nov 19 1794 in 63 year of his age. Also MARY COOPER died Sep 23 1795 aged 23 years. Likewise ELIZA wife of the above JAMES SMITH who died July 23 1810.
In memory of JANE wife of JOHN WARD who died Oct. 29th 1840 aged 47 years.
In memory of JOANNA wife of JOHN PEGG who died 23 Oct 1822 aged 71 Also JOHN PEGG husband of the above who died Mar 23 1836 aged 68 years
In memory of JOB HILL who died Jun 8 1810 aged 65 years
In memory of MARY WATERS who died Nov 9 1836 aged 60
In memory of MARY wife of THOMAS HARRALD who departed this life Jul 17 1823 aged 38 years Adieu vain world thy cares I know no more Thy pains, thy pleasures are no more to me As though I'd ne'er been born or known to thee Sudden my exit came and left behind My newborn infant and my husband kind An everlasting friend may both in Jesus find Also JOSEPH HARRALD who died in his infancy May 30 1821
In memory of MOSES BACKHOUSE who died Mar 25 1843 aged 75. Also of MARY wife of the above who died Nov 30 1845 aged 66.
In memory of NEFLIN (NESLIN ?) CRUMP who died May 16 (?), 18.. aged 51.
In memory of ROGER WHALE and HANNAH his wife. She died Jan 8 1837 aged 70 years and he died March 30 1842 aged 69 years. I know that my redeemer liveth.
In memory of SARAH STEANE who died Nov 17 1810 aged 64 ISAAC STEANE husband of the above who died Nov 19 1822 aged 74 JOHN STEANE son of the above died Nov 7 1841 aged 71 Also SARAH STEANE died Dec 10 1845 aged 73
In memory of WILLIAM GEORGE HEMMING who departed this life 26 Jan 1840 aged 6 years and 6 months. Also JESSE CHARLES HEMMING born 9 Nov 1840 who died 16 Feb 1845 aged 4 years and 4 months.
In memory of WILLIAM HENRY son of WILLIAM HENRY MARSTON who died Aug 13 1846 aged 9 weeks
In memory of WILLIAM JOB son of WILLIAM and SOPHIA JOB who departed this life 28 Feb. 1776 aged 3 years.
In memory of WILLIAM TWYCROSS departed this life Apr 24 1837 aged 67 years Also ANN wife of the above who died Mar 22 1845 aged 78 years
In remembrance of ANNA MARIA WALL who changed time for eternity 3rd day June 1816 aged 21 years A pale consumption gave me the fatal blow The stroke was certain but the effects were slow With wasting pain death found me sore opprest Pityed my sighs and kindly brought me rest Also of WILLIAM WALL father of the above named departed this life February .....
In the vault below lie the remains of THOMAS WIGSTON who departed this life 30 1820 in the 82nd year of his life. Also of ANN relict of the above THOMAS WIGSTON who died Sep 12 1824 aged 75 years and of MARY WIGSTON wife of THOMAS WIGSTON junior who died Oct 24 1829 aged 52 years. Also of WILLIAM WIGSTON who died Nov 3 1816 aged 35 years.
JOBBINS died . . . Jan 1823 aged 4 years and 4 months
M E 1837 J H E 1845
M E 1837 J H E 1845
M E 1837 J H E 1845
OLIVER CONWAY died Aug 20 1851 aged 7 years
Sacred to the memory of ANN wife of RICHARD NORRIS who died May 30 1830 aged 37 years Also of the above RICHARD NORRIS who died Nov 12 1845 aged 58 years To all below I bid farewell Children and friends beloved so well meet you all to dwell above I think on each other live in love
Sacred to the memory of ANN wife of RICHARD NORRIS who died May 30 1830 aged 37 years Also of the above RICHARD NORRIS who died Nov 12 1845 aged 58 years To all below I bid farewell Children and friends beloved so well meet you all to dwell above I think on each other live in love
Sacred to the memory of ANN wife of THOMAS PRATT of this city who departed this life Dec 17 1834 in 38 year of her age. Also of THOMAS PRATT Senior who departed this life Feb 19 1837 in 80 year of his age. Also SARAH relict of the above who departed this life Aug 14 1839 in 80 year of her age. Also HENRY son of THOMAS PRATT native of this city died July 29 1859 aged 25 years. Also HARRIETT widow of HENRY CHIVERS VINCE Esq of Reading, Berks sister of the above ANN PRATT died Apr 4 1870 aged 75 years. Also THOMAS PRATT of this city who died Dec 13 1882 aged 85 years. ELIZABETH HARRIETT PRATT daughter of THOMAS and ANN PRATT died Oct 10 1906 aged 74 years.
Sacred to the memory of CHARLOTTE the beloved wife of JOSEPH STRINGER who departed this life Nov 2 1813 aged 17(?) years
Sacred to the memory of EDWARD CONNOP who died 18 Apr 1828 aged XLVI years
Sacred to the memory of ESTHER LANCASTER who died May 9 1810 aged 33 years Also ELIZABETH second wife of JOSEPH LANCASTER (and her two infant children) who died Oct 13 1814 aged 25 years Farewell my babes and friends ....
Sacred to the memory of FRANCES wife of WILLIAM MERRIDEW who died Sep 15 1812 aged 65 years.
Sacred to the memory of HANNAH BRADSHAW wife of JOHN BRADSHAW who died May the ... 1780 aged 21 years. Also JOHN
Sacred to the memory of JOHN GOLSBY who departed this life Feb 4 1837 aged 35 years. My flesh shall slumber in the ground To the last trumpets joyful sound And burst the chains with sweet surprise And in my saviours image rise. Also to ROBERT GOLSBY who died Jan 11 1873 aged 70 years and to SUSAN GOLSBY wife of the above who died Jul 28 1882 aged 72 years.
Sacred to the memory of JOHN WELLS who departed this life October 16th 1844 aged 55 years. Also JAMES BELCHER WELLS son of the above who departed this life July 22nd 1847 aged 19 years.
Sacred to the memory of JOSEPH COTTON who died Jun 9 1806 aged 6 years Also SUSANNAH COTTON who died Jun 14 1806 aged 3 years and MARY ANN COTTON who died Jan 14 1807 aged 2. Son and daughters of WILLIAM and MARY COTTON of this city. MARY COTTON wife of WILLIAM COTTON died Oct 16 1809 aged 40
Sacred to the memory of JOSEPH LABAND who died Apr 5 1838 aged 56 years Farewell my wife and children dear Adieu all friends far and near My time has come its plain to see Prepare yourselves to follow me
Sacred to the memory of JOSEPH RADFORD who departed this life Nov 3 1835 aged 64 years Also ELIZABETH his wife who died Nov 5 1840 aged 63 years
Sacred to the memory of MARY JANE SHOWELL who died June 10th 1833 aged 10 months. Also of JANE SHOWELL who died Oct. 11th 1842 aged 2 years and 5 months.
Sacred to the memory of MARY wife of RICHARD EVANS who departed this life Sept 14 1835 aged 61 years. Also RICHARD EVANS husband of the above departed this life Oct 27 1837 aged 67.
Sacred to the memory of SAMUEL IVES who died Nov 26 1845 aged 54 years
Sacred to the memory of THOMAS FULWELL died Jan 20 1844 aged 59 years
Sacred to the memory of THOMAS GOODMAN who died May 2 1836 aged 47. Also of ELIZABETH relict of the above who died Nov 13 1857 aged 59 years. Interred at Kenilworth. Also of EDWARD BURY their son who died Jul 30 1359 aged 27 years. Interred at Kenilworth.
Sacred to the memory of THOMAS MATTOCKS who died May 15 1845 aged 18 years In the midst of life we are in death
Sacred to the memory of THOMAS OLORENSHAW who died Mar 23 .1845 aged 67 years. Also ELIZABETH his wife who died Sep 18 1839 aged 57 years.
Sacred to the memory of THOMAS RUSSELL who died July 10 1816 aged 47
Sacred to the memory of WILLIAM WARD who died Jul 25 1844 aged 33 years
SUSANNAH DALTON died Feb 28 1845 aged 62 years. THOMAS DALTON died Sep 26 1834 aged 60 years. WILLIAM GRANT died April 5 1844 aged 42 years. His wife MARIA died Dec 15 1844 aged 40 years.
SUSANNAH DALTON died Feb 28 1845 aged 62 years. THOMAS DALTON died Sep 26 1834 aged 60 years. WILLIAM GRANT died April 5 1844 aged 42 years. His wife MARIA died Dec 15 1844 aged 40 years.
(1st side) Sacred to the memory of THOMAS COLLINS of this city who departed this life June 19 1836 aged 65. This languishing head is at rest, it's thinking and aching are o'er, this quiet immovable breast is heaved by affliction no more. (2nd side) Also of ANN relict of THOMAS COLLINS who departed this life Mar 14 1843 aged 66. (On end) In memory of ELIZABETH PICKIN who died Nov 13 1860 in her 78th year.