December 2015 Journal
Contents: Artefacts Evening Christmas Greetings Pawnbrokers’ Tickets The Chairman’s Slot Guild of One Name Studies Seminar Society Meetings - Talks…
Contents: Artefacts Evening Christmas Greetings Pawnbrokers’ Tickets The Chairman’s Slot Guild of One Name Studies Seminar Society Meetings - Talks…
Contents: The Great War Memorial Panels in the St. Peters Centre, Coventry St Paul’s Burials CD Heritage Weekend Project…
Contents: A Daimler in the Family Arthur Hutt VC 1889 – 1954 Family History Fairs... Deadline for the September…
Contents: Sights, Sounds and Smells of an old Coventry Street in my day Twenty Five Things You Never Knew…
Contents: George Daniel Budd's Apprenticeship Timepiece Matilda Tansley – a mystery solved 1994 to 2014 Celebrating 20 years Sacred…
Contents: Walking in their Footsteps Letters to the Editor Further Information re: the Death of Samuel Grosvenor Thomas Alfred…
Contents: Great Aunt Jane and her Husband Cancellation of Meetings William Henry Barnett 1896-1983 The Cleavers of Coventry – A…
Contents: Commemorative Medal and two Badges Family Memories of the Great War 1914 - 1918 Advertisement The GEC Players…
Contents: The Coventry Ribbon Trade in 1861 Three Little Boys from Dudley 1839 – 1865 Cancellation of Meetings Advertisement…
Contents: Astley Castle Cancellation of Meetings Office Staff Practices 1852 Spon Street Boys’ School Log Book Deadline for the…