- Greeting Card
Trinity Churchyard
- £3.00
- A unique Greetings Card, Oil & pastel by Elsie May Waite, nee Cleall.
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- Greeting Card
Trinity Lane
- £3.00
- A unique Greetings Card, Oil & pastel by Elsie May Waite, nee Cleall.
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- Book
Victorian Village Life
- £6.50
- This booklet paints a vivid picture of life in a Victorian village in Warwickshire.
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- CD
Warwickshire Parish Apprentices (1662 – 1834)
- £7.50
- Warwickshire Parish Apprentices The data was transcribed by Barbara Robinson some years ago. It was initially computerised as a spreadsheet on an early Apple computer and subsequently converted to PC format, first to a spreadsheet and then into an Access database. During all of these operations, some of the data was lost due to field size limitations and other technical…
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- Book
We shall Remember them
- £4.50
- We Shall Remember Them The Fallen of Keresley Parish Pete was always very interested in military history, particularly the second world war, and also in genealogy. In 2014 he decided to see what he could find out about those named on the memorials in the churchyard. That resulted in a set of articles for the parish magazine in 2014 and…
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- CD
Windmill Road Cemetery Burials 1909 – 1994
- £7.50
- This database is also available as a Download.
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- Database Download
Windmill Road Cemetery Burials Database Download
- £7.50
- This database is also available on CD.
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