London Road Burials Index 1972 – 1994 is Now Available as a Download

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This database  containes 9393 records  of burials  in London Road Cemetery between 1972 and 1994, recorded in Register Volumes 51 and 52. The majority of these interments are in the newer south cemetery, but a proportion of the records refer to burials in the old north area.

This database has the enhanced  plot location instructions from the later register volumes.

For the earlier London Road database, the society recorded the memorial inscriptions which were then linked to the burial records within the database. These more recent burials were not included in the cross- linking as at that time we did not have access to the later volumes of the Burial Registers. To enable users to access any MI’s for the burials listed in this database, we have included a second download which contains a separate searchable database of all the MIs.

The Burial and Memorial Inscription databases and the associated programs  are downloaded as two  Zip files, which require installing separately. Depending on the browser and virus protection software you are using, you may encounter warning messages that downloading a Zip file is potentialy unsafe. If you do not wish to ignore this warning message, please do not purchase this download. We cannot reimburse users who  download and then fail to install the software. After purchase, the downloads will be available for 7 days.