London Road Burials & Memorial Inscriptions 1847 – 1972


This CD contains the burials recorded in the Coventry London Road Cemetery Burial registers, Volumes 1 to 18, from the opening in 1847 to the end of 1900



London Road Cemetery
This CD contains the burials recorded in the Coventry London Road Cemetery Burial registers, Volumes 1 to 50, from the opening of the cemetery in 1847 to the end of May 1972. This information has previously been published in a shortened form on microfiche.
Also contained are many of the Monumental Inscriptions from within the cemetery, some of which are past the date of the completion of Vol 50 in 1972.
The searchable index allows people to be identified to a plot, the plot details, names of further people in the grave and also a map of the area to help find the grave.
There are over 125,000 entries in the database, which were compiled from the entries taken from early ‘Books of Reference’. The Registers themselves are held at the Bereavement Services, Canley Crematorium, and are accessible to the public